Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sistema de Seguridad de EE.UU.

Esta no es la información más emocionante…pero es importante reconocer y hacer la diferencia en una situación de emergencia.
Esto es: ¡El Sistema de seguridad de EE.UU. (Homeland Security System)!
Es un sistema de código de colores. Es fácil de entender y con un poco de información adicional en cada tarjeta (abajo), pueden estar más preparados e informados como familia.

Notarán que el momento de PREPARARSE es… ANTES de una situación de emergencia. Cuando se llega a las áreas ROJA y ANARANJADA es el momento de implementar los planes que ya se establecieron en las áreas AMARILLA, VERDE y BLANCA.
Las situaciones de emergencia no son las mejores cosas en qué pensar, de hecho, simplemente el pensar en esto le causa a muchas personas ansiedad, pero recuerden… ¡El conocimiento es poder!
Conozcan los planes que se han establecido para que puedan ocuparse mejor de sus familias en situaciones de emergencia.
Este documento tiene los diferentes niveles de riesgo:

(Esta información es del blog: preparednotscared.blogspot.com que estoy utilizando con permiso de tal. Mucha de la información en ese blog lo voy a traducir e incluir acá. Ya hablé con Trish, dueña de ese blog, y me dio permiso. Si hablan inglés, visiten su blog que es INCREIBLE!)


  1. Veronica!! I just read your comment on LittleLDSIdeas.blogspot.com and was wondering what your Reverance Incentive Program was? Unfortunately I don't read spanish, so I can't read your blog. If you want to reply to my comment on here, I'll check back!
    Thanks so much! Our primary is desperate for all the ideas we can get!

  2. Hi, sorry I didn't see this before. The previous incentive program I used was an idea I got from a coworker. Basically, I made a big pizza (I used 2 foamboards I got at the Dollar store), then made a big red circle out of butcher's paper for the sauce/main pizza shape. I made the crust from brown butcher's paper and wrote the name of each class on the crust (drew black lines to make the slices, 1 per class). I cut up beige yarn and glued it as the cheese. Each Sunday the kids would receive 'toppings' to add to their slice. I bought those round stickers that come in 4 colors/1 pack (red: pepperoni, blue: sausuage, green: peppers, yellow: pineapple). The kids loved to get their stickers from their teachers and then add them at the end of the day to their slice. It worked pretty well. We had pizza as their reward at the quarterly activity.
    My friend went all out and made round sugar cookies with red frosting. The kids each got one and added their own candy toppings (can't remember which ones now, but could ask her if you like).
    I implemented the money one from littleldsideas and the kids LOVED this one. They were SO good I couldn't believe it! Instead of a talent show, I want to do it in October and have something like a fair: face-painting, different games, crafts that they can do with their money. Good luck!
